Do you know your purpose in ministry? Do you feel a pull to explore other ministry venues in your main line tradition? Have you ever been called to the rivers edge and wondered if you should cross it?
Moses led the Israelites across the Red Sea to the promised land. Once he started, there was no turning back - he had to get to the otherside to save the people and deliver them to the promised land. Ministry can be like that. Visioning something better for the congregation or the church is like seeing something you want on the other side of the river. You have to cross the river, however, to attain it; to make the change; to secure the vision. When you are in the middle of the river in the midst of rocks and rapids is no time to change your mind - you have to go forward to get to calmer waters.
We are a group of clergy and laity who have come together to explore how we can help you find your way on the new paths that are being carved out by the emerging church.
We are calling ourselves The River Team and planning a retreat for January 8,9, 10 2009 to explore call and purpose in ministry - where you are now and where you are headed. We will send out invitations to clergy and laity for this retreat, but who knows - we may be in the middle of the river ourselves. The other side is not yet in sight.
Registration and additional information will be available soon.
Registration and additional information will be available soon.